
[置顶] Khor al Mufatta 霍尔姆法塔 科威特

admin / 2013.4.23 / 16 :27 pm

高质量的国际海运服务 0+

With quick development of logistics industry, competitive freight, increasingly perfect sale and agent
network are the keys for ETC's sustained growth, while high-quality service provided is the main factor
for ETC to gain a foothold in the market. Our tenet is “NO CUSTOMER, NO OUR SEVICE; NO EXCELLENT
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admin / 2013.4.22 / 16 :19 pm

Tanzania, Zambia, Congo (Kinshasa), 0+

The world's major shipping companies with well-known to form a good partnership, such as Maersk, CMA, China shipping, PIL, Delmas, NDS, Safmairne, CSAV, etc. to establish a comprehensive freight networks in Africa.

Provide FCL shipping. Provide trailer, customs declaration, inspection, clearance and transport services. Provide ship, flight, sailing, arrival information. Always ready to accept customer routes, ship dynamics, transport costs and other miscellaneous advice.
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admin / 2013.4.18 / 16 :38 pm

广州代理香港机场海运 0+

英文名称:Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited
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admin / 2013.4.17 / 16 :50 pm

海运到印尼 0+

在我们眼中,最大的荣誉莫过于——用我们真诚的服务赢得您嘴角的一抹微笑。on November 4, 2002, China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ten countries have signed and issued "Chinese - - Association of Southeast Asian Nations Comprehensive Economic cooperation Frame Agreement" are called "Chinese Association of Southeast Asian Nations Frame Agreement", this symbolizes that Chinese and Association of Southeast Asian Nations's trade operations entered a new historical stage. At present, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations member nation includes: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Burma, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam. on October 1, 2003 implemented "Chinese-Thai Vegetables Fruit Agreement" merged “the early harvest” in the plan to continue to carry out. In order to cause China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations both sides enjoy as soon as possible to "Chinese - - Association of Southeast Asian Nations Frame Agreement" the preferential benefit, both sides have drawn up “the early harvest” the plan, decided that from January 1, 2004 gives the tariff preference mutually to 500 many kinds of products, these products mainly involved the HS tax item number 1st chapter to the 8th chapter of agricultural product, including the live animal, the live plant, the meats and the garbage, the fish, the dairy product, other edible moves the product, the edible vegetables, the edible fruit and the nut and so on. From July 20, 2005, China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations according to "Cargo Trade agreement", start to be native to Chinese and Association of Southeast Asian Nations's approximately 7000 tax item products give the preferential duty treatment mutually, realizes each other cargo entry by free-trade zone's tax rate. , China - ASEAN Free Trade Area preferential benefit source area certificate FORME signing and issuing product scope, already will start from now on the HS tax item number next 1-8 chapter of complete products which besides last January 1 signs and issues, also increased Thailand, Malaysia and so on 6 countries to fall in the tax detailed list the product. Namely: The export to the ASEAN country including Brunei, Cambodian, Indonesian, Laos, Malaysian, Burmese, Philippine, Singapore, Thai and Vietnam's related product may sign and issue certificate of origin FORME.
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admin / 2013.4.13 / 10 :7 pm

DHL国际货运报关 0+

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admin / 2013.4.10 / 17 :33 pm

南海、江门、深圳、湛江、黄埔国际货运 0+

是华南珠三角地区较大的船务公司之一,服务遍布世界各地,同时在世界各地有着较为广泛的代理网络;公司每天提供来往香港和珠江三角洲港口的支线运输服务。随着业务的发展,公司已于国内开设了多个办事处,包括:南海、江门、深圳、湛江、黄埔、三水、高明、惠州、南沙、北滘、容奇。为了配合中国加入世贸的发展,适应华南地区经济和贸易的快速增长及物流的发展趋势,丰顺国际船务有限公司成功在中国申请为无船公共承运人。 过采用网络管理平台、完善高效的售后服务网络,对服务全程适时监控,保障为客户提供安全放心的优质服务。近年来,我们运用高水平服务质量和规模化的营运能力,通过完善业务组合,逐步实现了业务优化,竭诚为每一位客户提供全方位多功能的综合物流服务,有效提高了物流执行效率和运作质量,合理降低了客户经营成本,提升了客户的市场应变能力和竞争能力,受到广大客户一致好评...
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admin / 2013.4.1 / 17 :14 pm

美国Chicago,IL 0+




and domestic air transport of goods, and with many famous domestic and foreign airlines established good cooperative relations, trade and transfer of goods Acting general business operations
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admin / 2013.3.28 / 16 :29 pm

代办免CCC证 0+


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admin / 2013.3.24 / 10 :15 pm

林查班港口 0+

林查班港口基本资料 中文名称: 林查班 英文名称: LAEM CHABANG 州:亚洲 航线:国家:泰国 港口代码: PGLAE 港口缩写: LCH 经纬度: 13°5’0”N,100°53’0”E 时区: -7:00 锚地:泊位吃水:海图号: 林查班港口详细资料
FUEL:AVAILABLE 泰国集装箱港。位于该国中部曼谷湾东岸,曼谷市东南方。港外,海路北距是拉差港约5海里,距曼谷港约60海里,南距梭桃邑港约50海里,至宋卡港376海里,至新加坡港791海里,东北至香港约1450海里;后方,有曼谷廊曼国际机场。该港原为曼谷港的集装箱中转港区。曼谷港的湄南河水道因曲折,水深不足,长173米以上集装箱船难以进港,随着曼谷港集装箱装卸量日益增长,也为满足更大集装箱船来曼谷的需要,港方1987年底开始投资20.3亿铢,在此建立集装箱中转港区。有3个集装箱装卸泊位各长300米,水深14米,年吞吐能力60万标准箱,能停靠第3、4代集装箱船码头投入使用,同时建成的还有1个多用途泊位,还计划建2个散粮泊位和1个沿海泊位。港外有锡昌岛阻挡风浪,自然条件优越。1992年2月泰国政府又决定批准该港区独立成港,成为泰国第一国际集装箱专用装卸港。随着该专业集装箱港成立,无疑将大大促进泰国集装箱运输的发展,港口自身的码头装卸设备等进一步发展。港口几乎与北部是拉差港相连。...
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admin / 2013.3.14 / 17 :52 pm

英国FELIXSTOWE港口海运快递 0+

TNT国际快递(TNT快递)DHL国际快递(DHL快递)UPS国际快递(UPS快递)FEDEX国际快递 (FEDEX 快递 )EMS国际快递(EMS 快递)等知名北京国际快递公司建立了良好的合作关系。全新国际业务:快递,快递公司,速递公司,北京速递,快件,快件公司,北京快件,您只需拨通电话,一切都由我们来做。我们会提供最好的速递服务!我们飞时达国际快递公司的每一位员工都真诚地期待与您携手合作,同城快递,国内快递,北京快递公司等加急服务共创未来!飞时达使命必达,完成所托!欧基1:FELIXSTOWE(23)/HAMBURG(24)/ROTTERDAM(24)/LE HAVRE(22)/ANTWERP(30)
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