
admin / 2013.6.14 / 16:17 pm


China Logistics Co.,Ltd. China Civil Air provides an efficient and full arrange internal network for all your air freight needs. We offer competitive pricing for all time and cost requirements. By using creative routing via major gateways like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen,etc. Our Air Value service provides deep cost savings. For less time sensitive cargo we provide an economical alternative. For your air cargo from Dalian, Shenyang or North-East cities of China to the main cities of China, we can pick up the air cargo fm the door to any place of China. For your air cargo arrives at Dalian or Shenyang area, we pick them up at the airport gate and deliver it to the destinations.
on the multimodal container transportation between China and Russia and grows very fast as the trade increasing between two countries. SWIFT sets up branches in Moscow, Manzhouli, Shanghai,Qingdao and Guangzhou with headquarters in Tianjin. More branches will be established in Russia, North China and South China so as to provide closer service to customers in both countries.

In past years, SWIFT enlarged her container fleet, operate the express container train connecting Russia and China and extend shipping route, which enhanced her transportation capacity greatly. More and more customers trading Russia and China choose SWIFT as logistics provider in priority. SWIFT will be a leading player in the specified logistics sector with recognition of more customers and partners and her improving transportation capacity.

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