admin / 2013.11.13 / 15:38 pm
铁路代理出口铁路代理 0+
Customs Declaration, Inspection, Insurance :Thanks to the long period cooperation with customs, inspection and other departments. Our company get a good reputation. We always take our clients’ benefit into consideration。We assist clients to make a convenient and quick plan in customs clearance according to clients’ operated nature, feature of products with our professional knowledge.公司专业从事国内海运、陆运、铁路代理运输及珠三角散货配送、集装箱运输,拥有运输车辆18台,可调配的运输车辆达100多台,日处理最高运输量2000吨;目前在上海、宁波、厦门均设有联络点。经营过程中,我们始终秉承“以人为本、专业高效、客户满意”的质量方针以及“惠及你我、通达天下”的经营理念。 我们拥有专业的团队和实用、完善的企业信息处理系统,所有车辆均使用GPS卫星定位系统,对运输途中的货物实行全程跟踪,能够及时准确的向客户反馈实时货物动态。
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