
admin / 2015.7.27 / 14:46 pm

美国Chicago,IL LCL海运 0+


公司主要代理DHL, UPS, FEDEX, EMS快件服务,并有长期的签约价钱。公司于广州,深圳均设有专门的仓库,并拥有自己的车队,能方便在广东省内为客户提供上门提货服务。公司设有快件部,能为各位客户提供及时的信息反馈和货物跟踪,让客人感到放心。
Land Transportation

The company has an extensive focus on land cargo transportation,we understands the importance of providing just-in-time services for our customers, that is why we do not rely on a single carrier. our team provides the fastest yet most cost-effective means of Land transportation. We handles Full Truck Load (FTL) and Less Truck Load (LTL) anywhere in China, we also offer a full range of vehicles such as low beds, high cubes, refrigerated, as well as air ride suspension vehicles.

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