ocean freight transportation 0+
海运散货清关包税派送业务,随着人民币升值步伐的加快,我们的进口业务快速发展,现已成为我司的核心服务项目之一。盈鹏凭借着完善的海外网络与强大的实力,并于2010年在越南成功注册越南海防分公司,结合盈鹏在越南长期的进口通关经验和严谨的工作以及我们在海关保税仓储、包装分拣、分拨配送、贸易代理等系列的配套综合物流服务,为客户的国际采购和生产物资的供应链管理提供了轻松便捷的管道。客户只需在海外港口装柜后,将货物发至我司指定港口(CIF到港),提供出口货物装箱单、商业发票以及提单资料,盈鹏从接收客户进口指令到目的港口清关以及派送全程由专人负责。In order to be able to catch up with the latest evolutions and changes in the global shipping market, and to exploit the possible business opportunities Millennium has established a new, pioneer section:
Variety of air freight solutions, flexible and cost-effective, supported by a global information tracking system
Flexible service solutions for ocean freight transportation. Obtaining value-based pricing with excellent space commitments
Our qualified Licensed Customs brokers and specialists help our customers to plan their exporting/importing procedure, advise our clients which of the classification to declare their goods under and help to determinate the value duty which is payable on, taking the advantage of the most favorable rates and customs valuation.
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