旭川市海运物流 0+
1932年完成的铁制拱桥─旭桥,最受到市民的喜爱,除了是旭川的象征外,也被指定为北海道遗产。旭川拉面村是旭川市永山地区的一个食品主题公园,和其它的拉面主题公园不同,旭川拉面村是由本地的旭川拉面店构成的,集结了梅光轩、青葉、石田等旭川八大著名的拉面店,都是深受当地人信任的老店。罗曼蒂克街道是西洋风格的街道,有教会、石造仓库和知名和果子店,常成为电视广告取景地点。神乐冈公园保持北海道着开拓时期之前的样貌,为上川离宫的预定地。3・6街是日本北部知名的大型闹区,区域内有1300店饮食店。◆We have more than 30 experienced employees who are good at customs clearance of all domestic and foreign trade terminals, bonded port and bonded zone
◆Range of Services: import and export goods’ customs clearance, inspection, transmit, bonded warehousing, jetty goods supervision
◆We keep harmonious relations with the customs and CIQ so that we have strong ability to deal with special cases, as a result, all the customers can enjoy safe and speedy service
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