
admin / 2016.4.17 / 17:31 pm

广州起运港到国外 0+

如果您有货物需出口至国外,您可放心地委托我公司全权办理,只要您填写一份货物出口委托单,其内容包括:发货人、收货人、通知人、起运港、到达港、目的地、品名、箱量、货量、拟配船、运费支付方式等,并在船舶开航前十至五天内交我司业务人员,他(她)就会根据提供的资料,帮您办理货物出口订舱手续。在替您的货物订好舱位后,我司业务员将主动以电话、传真等多种方式通知您已配的船名、航次、提单号、开航日等信息。And includes Taiwan, Japanese and South Korean, Southeast Asia, European, the Middle East India and Pakistan, South America, US and Canada, as well as global various routes' import and export ocean transportation, transit and aerial transportation service. It relying on all colleague diligently as well as the customer support, the achievement progresses day by day, the route scale also day by day expands.
Our company take " the good faith service, the customer is supreme " as an idea, makes every effort to give the customer to be most sincere, highest quality, the most satisfactory service.

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