盐田- ACAJUTLA 20号截15*00
盐田- MANZANILLO 20号截12*00
盐田- SAN ANTONIO 23号截14*00
南沙- BUENAVENTURA 21号截13*00
Some of the shipping services we can offer you.
We can offer a variety of services to meet your needs. Options include on-site packing, boxing, and custom crating services, curbside and full-service pickup/delivery options, expedited shipping services with guaranteed delivery dates, and full-service insurance options (even for high-value goods). So whether you're just looking to ship your desk to a family member or friend, or your entire family needing to divvy up an estate to ship to several destinations at once, you can be sure that we have the experience, expertise, and the know-how to get the job done, and get it done right.
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