多伦多 0+
欧洲:伦敦、曼彻斯特、法兰克福、卢森堡、汉堡、杜塞尔多夫、巴黎、罗马、 米兰、苏黎世、
阿姆斯、特丹 、布鲁塞尔、哥本哈根、雅典、马德里、赫尔辛基;
美国:洛杉矶、三藩市、纽约、芝加哥、西雅图、迈阿密、休斯顿、温哥华、多伦多 SCN Group. We provide sincere, efficient, comprehensive, real service combined with modern logistics. Our headquarter locates in shanghai, together with six branches scattered in Ningbo, Qingdao, Tianjin, Dalian, Xiamen and Shenzhen, which forms an efficient coast line network. We aim at providing customers with international shipping business and international air transportation within the global network. Besides, we committed to expand our business in split and devanning and de-consolidation, global inland transportation, bonded goods and electronic logistics.
We offer timely, cost-advantage and efficient delivery service coupled with our high-level customer relation management which is backed by the rigorous evaluation of staff and professional training.
The global freight network is an important factor that leads us standing out among the competitors. Moreover, the complete system we structured in China makes sure that the service we provide is high-speed and pre-eminence.
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